Dec 31, 2011

December chocolate making partay

I can't believe how fast December has gone by.  I'm a little behind, so I'm going to share the chocolate-making good time that we had last week ToDaY! :)

we bought the pine tree shaped mold and colorful chocolates at Joann's and my nieces came over and we had so much fun! We took the treats to parties throughout the week and they were a big hit :)  I've got a gajillion more photos i should post about our Christmas and anniversary and randomness of December...maybe that'll have to wait until January.  Happy New Year!
life rearranged

Dec 29, 2011

I've seen some pretty great "how they met" stories on TV and in the movies.  But, I've got the best how they met story ever.  Better than any movie.  It's legen- to the (wait for it....) -dary.

Remember way back in 1999 when everyone was anxious about Y2K? and people were ushering in the new millennium...only to figure out that the new millennium actually started when the clock turned from 2000 to 2001.
Jerry Seinfeld said, 
"Since there was no year zero, 
the millennium doesn't begin until the year two-thousand and one."

and that is the precise moment when my life began, too. December 31, 2000-January 1st 2001.

As a 17 year-old high school senior,  I worked at a nursing home as a Nurses Aide.  I had worked there bathing and feeding the elderly for nearly a year.  I was scheduled to work New Year's Eve that year which wasn't a problem because I was supposed to get off work at 11...plenty of time to make it to a party for the big midnight celebration.  That night, for some reason or another, I ended up leaving work a bit late, it was about 11:30 when I headed out to my friend's party.  It was about 11:45 when my car broke down.  Way back in those days, nobody my age had a cell phone.
So, I said to myself 
'if i can turn the key and it starts, i will just drive myself straight home. 
if i turn the key and it doesn't start- i will go to the nearest house and call home for help.'
I turned the key.
It started.
I began driving home.
I was about 3 blocks from home when the car stalled out again.  This time it wouldn't start again.  I was stuck in the dark on a hillside over-looking the town.  It was 11:55.
I popped the hood and got out of my car, I don't know what I was thinking I would do.  I don't know anything about cars.  I still don't know exactly what happened to my car that night (something about the engine seizing up...yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not good)  So, I stood there, looking down at the steaming engine block when a car pulled up beside me.  The stranger inside asked me if I needed some help.  He pulled over to help me.
Right as we met, the clock struck midnight.  It was the new millennium.  Fireworks began going off throughout the city.  We could hear as people in their homes came out to bang their pots and pans.  It was like Cinderella in reverse, just as the clock struck 12 our lives together began.
And from HIS point of view:
This was Jeremy's first New Year's celebration since returning from his 2 year mission in Albania.  He decided to go to a party of a friend of a friends.  When the party turned into watching Disney's Mulan, he and his friend decided they were way too bored to stay a minute longer.
Jeremy took his friend home and then headed toward his house.  That is when he saw me stranded on the side of the road, hood up, looking pretty helpless.  He, being the kind, helpful person he is, thought to himself
'if that's a cute girl, i'll stop and help her' 
haha- he really did tell me that later.  But, he added that he would've stopped regardless if I were cute or not...but he was glad that I was cute.
He drove me home that night.
Jeremy's parents tell me that he never would talk about girls. ever. but, that night, he came home and went right upstairs to tell them all about this girl he had met...
We were inseparable after that.
We were married nearly one year later on December 29, 2001.
Yep, I was 18 when I got married...but, hey, when you know, you know!

I couldn't ask for a better guy to be married to!
I often think back about how we met and think
"what kind of guy leaves a New Year's Eve party at 11:30?"
"what if my car hadn't started back up after the first time it stopped" (side note: I guess it was pretty miraculous that it did start again...from what I've heard engines that have seized up like that will not usually start up again)
and I think "what if I had gotten off of work at 11 like I was supposed to?"
and their are a million other things that run through my mind...there are other things from months before that that lead up to that moment.
I know I was being watched over.  
My favorite scripture has always been Proverbs 3:5-6  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  I know that our paths were directed toward each other.  And I thank God every day for that blessing!
Here's us. all fresh and young.

Jeremy.  He is so loving and kind.
He helps me with the kids all. the. time.
He packs lunches for our daughter to take to school.
He makes up bed time stories for the girls.
He has done more than his fair share of diaper changes, and he gets up to take our 3 year old daughter potty every night so she doesn't have an accident in her bed.
We still have never seen Mulan...if you're part of this family you run away from anything Mulan related, haha.. we even give Mulan a thumbs down when we're listening to our Lion King Pandora station, in memory of the night we met.
Jeremy never leaves the toilet seat up, and he always puts the toilet paper on the right way.
He made it a goal to put toothpaste on my toothbrush every night until death do us part.
He provides for us a beautiful home.
He thinks I'm pretty without any makeup on.
He treats me with respect.
He loves me unconditionally and shows my children what to look for in their future husbands.

and we lived happily ever after

I love you, Borgie!

Dec 26, 2011

Music Mondays- My Mistake by: Smashing Pumpkins

Jeremy and I listened to this song over and over again on our honey moon.  It automatically brings us back to driving around in our Volvo station wagon, snowflakes pounding our windshield, winter 2001.  Good times!

We really like the song, it's sort of "our song" and with us celebrating our 10 year anniversary this year, I thought I'd share it with you :)
about Music Mondays
Each Monday I'd like to share with you a song/songs that I enjoy.
It's a way for me to share what music I'm listening to and, if you have a song or artist you're interested in you can share with me, too!
You can join in with me if you'd like, it's quite fun :)

There are two ways to join me:

1.  Add a Music post to your blog and link up.  Please include the Music Monday button (on the right side of the blog) Link up tools are at the bottom of my blog here
2. or, just leave a comment here letting me know what music you've been listening to lately, do you have a song that you consider "your song" with your significant other?

Music Mondays with Sugar Blossom Boutique
xo- Danielle

Add your Music Monday link here:

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Dec 22, 2011

awkward and awesome

The other day, I took my 3 year old to Kohls.  We were running around looking for a shirt, and she told me she had to go potty. 

We ran over to the family restroom, (ya know, the one reserved for families) and swung the door open as wide as possible, and, to our surprise, there was an old man sitting on the toilet.  
in the family restroom. 
all by himself. 
"I am SO sorry!!" I yelled and slammed the door shut.  Did an abrupt 180 and headed to the other restroom, the one with all the stalls.  I couldn't stop laughing. 
Now for some awesomeness... my daughter, Swede came home from school the other day "I got a note from my teacher!"....I was curious/nervous and demanded she let me read it...  I really have the most awesome kids!
AWKWARD: well, ya know how it is, when you have a head cold and you don't want to get dressed, and you don't put on makeup?? yeah, that was me the other day.  And, of course, it's the day that all the neighbors decide to stop on by to deliver Christmas gifts to us.  Oh, and did I mention I decided to clean out our big old drawer of junk in our front room right before they stopped by? awkward.
  I spent Sunday afternoon making caramels with the kiddos (for our first time, ever), and awesome thing? they turned out fabulously (is that a word??)  Doesn't that just look delicious?? I could just eat her cheeks
I hope your Thursday is more awesome than awkward ;)

Dec 20, 2011

December Birthday Party

What to do, oh what to do, if you're turning 5 years old and your birthday is in December? Well, the birthday boy was 100% sure that Santa would show up at his party...and, he was right!
He was only a little apprehensive to sit on his lap
 Sofia was in awe that she was even in the same room as the big man, himself.
 And, she wasn't scared to sit on his lap
 This is Ingrid's natural smile (sarcasm)
Cousin Max's turn
Cousin Sadie, she loves pandas almost as much as Ingrid loves giraffes
 I'm pretty sure the rest of the kids thought they were way too old to sit on Santa's lap, but they were good sports :)

 I didn't even get any pics of the rest of the party..darn.  Jeremy's sister Mendy really know how to throw 'em!  We had so much fun hanging out with family and eating lots of food and decorating cookies, eating cake, basically stuffing ourselves as much as possible.  Hope you have lots of fun with your family this December!

Dec 18, 2011

Music Mondays- These girls can SING!

So, as I was perusing youtube, I couldn't decide on just one song for this Music is the last Monday before Christmas, afterall. {sidenote: where in the heck did this year go??} So, I've got not one, but 4 awesome Christmas songs for you.  And, they're all by awesome, empowered women singers.

First of all, Florence + The Machine a live version of Last Christmas.  Her voice is so beautiful, she could sing the phone book and we'd all cheer wildly:

An eerily beautiful version of Silent Night by Priscilla Ahn:

Enya? ok, i'm not a huge Enya fan, but this is so pretty {and this is one of my favorite songs to torture my kids with sing while i'm baking:

I LOVE Mindy Gledhill's new CD Winter Moon, she has such a clear, pretty voice!  Her voice in this song sort of reminds me of The Cardigan's lead singer, ya know, "love me, love me, saaay that you love me" you know what i'm talkin about, right??

well, I narrowed it down to 4 but their are so many awesome Christmas songs out there!  I didn't even get a David Archuleta Christmas song on the blog this month, darn it!  Be sure to share your favorites and link up! ;)
about Music Mondays
Each Monday I'd like to share with you a song/songs that I enjoy.
It's a way for me to share what music I'm listening to and, if you have a song or artist you're interested in you can share with me, too!
You can join in with me if you'd like, it's quite fun :)

There are two ways to join me:

1.  Add a Music post to your blog and link up.  Please include the Music Monday button (on the right side of the blog) Link up tools are at the bottom of my blog here
2. or, just leave a comment here letting me know what music you've been listening to lately, I'd love to hear what you're listening to this December

Add YOUR Music Monday link HERE:

1. Chelsea  

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Dec 12, 2011

Music Mondays- Favorite Christmas Memories

Growing up, December meant that I would get a half day off of school on a Friday, head to Salt Lake City with my mom, aunts, and grandma and spend the weekend in the big city, Salt Lake and stay with Aunt Ronda, the most wonderful enjoyable person one could ever find.

We would stay in her house in the avenues, a yellow brick two bedroom home. I usually ended up on her couch in her front room. There was something magical about her house. It just exuded happiness.

Aunt Ronda always had a ceramic candy jar full of treats of the Hershey's variety. We would shop til we dropped for three days and kick back in the evenings with a little Kenny G, or some Josh Groban.

Aunt Ronda passed away in 2005. We all miss her so much, and the traditions that we held so dear. Anytime I hear these artists I am transported to that lovely home in the avenues of Salt Lake, sneaking some chocolate before dinner.
In memory of our favorite aunt, this is my favorite Christmas song:

about Music Mondays
Each Monday I'd like to share with you a song that I enjoy.
It's a way for me to share what music I'm listening to and, if you have a song or artist you're interested in you can share with me, too!
You can join in with me if you'd like, it's quite fun :)

There are two ways to join me:

1.  Add a Music post to your blog and link back using the Music Monday button (on the right side of the blog) Link up at the bottom of my blog here
2. or, just leave a comment here letting me know what music you've been listening to lately, I'd love to hear what you're listening to this December

Is there a special song that brings back Christmas memories for you? do share! I would love to hear your favorite Christmas songs!

Music Mondays with Sugar Blossom Boutique

share YOUR music monday post HERE:

1. Expecting the Unknown...  2. Lil Noodle Bug Music Mondays: Eric Herman  3. Chelsea  

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Dec 8, 2011


"You really ought to get a mammogram, I just diagnosed a girl your age with breast cancer." our family doctor told me when I took my daughter to an appointment a few years ago.  I didn't think much about it, I was too busy taking care of my 3 little girls to think about going to the Dr.'s for myself.  But the thought was there, in the back of my mind.  Afterall, my grandma is a breast cancer survivor (Wahoo! Go Nanny!!!)  But, it wasn't until this year that I took our Dr's advice seriously.

  My sweet friend, Barb was diagnosed with breast cancer this fall.  She and I have a lot in common, we're both the same age, in fact, we are only a few days apart, we both have little girls, in fact, our kids are about the same age, too.  I feel helpless as to how to help her.  She lives on the other side of the country and so the only thing I can offer is lots and lots of prayers, and encouragement.  But, she is a fighter!  She is strong!   She just shaved her head, and we are all praying, praying, praying as hard as we can for her.
*update* visit this link for more about Barb and her fight!
I've done self-exams and never felt a lump. But, we decided ("we" meaning my husband) that it was time for me to get a mammogram. 
I went this morning and it was rather quick and mostly painless.  The ladies were nice, and they had mints and crackers in the waiting room.  Everything in my mammogram looks normal.  I feel blessed.   But, I would hope, if i was diagnosed with cancer, that I'd be a strong fighter like my grandmother and like Barb.

So, after thinking about cancer all day, and thinking about the premature death of sweet baby Afton, I stumbled upon this video and found it rather fitting.  It talks about death.  That death isn't the end.  Through the grace of God and our loving Redeemer, life continues after this mortal life.

I feel so blessed that I have a testimony of eternal families.  I know we will see those who have passed on before us again.  Death, though it's scary and all sorts of freaky, is not the end.
If a man die, shall he live again?  To all within the sound of my voice i declare "he shall live again!"
PS: this post is dedicated to Maelynn, the sweet, always-speaks-her-mind, super woman who lost her battle in January.  I know we'll see her again someday.

Dec 7, 2011

Baby Afton

If you've been following the story of Kami at No Biggie, you have read about the heartache of losing a child.  Her sweet baby, Afton, was born 3 1/2 months early and weighed only 12 ounces.  She lived 7 short days, in Kami's words "After a whirlwind week of heartbreak and sweet blessings, we are so full of gratitude for the sweet seven days that our baby girl graced our lives."

Now, The Bigler Family is facing an extensive amount of hospital bills, and the funeral costs are very high.  Brittany of Love Stitched has set up a charity for The Bigler Family.  All items there have been donated to help with their bills.  If you still need Christmas presents, or if you just want to help out please visit this shop.
I've donated this headband for the cause and if you've been thinking about buying this headband from me, please do so here so we can help out this family!

Thanks for your support, it is really truly appreciated! Now, go visit THE SHOP, it's full of lots of fun items!

Dec 5, 2011

Music Mondays- Cowboy Christmas Ball- The Killers

well, my "sources" said The Killers were filming a western-themed music video...and my sources were right!  I was thisclose to being an extra in this video...and by thisclose I mean, 8 hrs, and a million responsibilities away...dang this being a responsible adult stuff!
The Killers have delivered another fine Christmas song this year, completely different than any of their past Christmas songs much more country-themed.  I'm not usually a fan of country music but, this song is pretty darn catchy.  Oh, and the video, it's awe to the some.. check it out:

I don't know if it gets any better than this...i mean, for those of us that appreciate Brandon Flowers as the perfect male specimen that he is, it's quite a beautiful sight to have him smiling and looking straight in the camera for most of the video.  Oh, and dressed up like a cowboy, it just doesn't get any better.  AND, another perfect male specimen is introduced- The Robot.  And he does a perfect little robot dance, how appropriate.  That deer at the end- he may be dead there hanging on the wall but he looks so content....i'm sure he thought it was well worth dying just to be a fly (or deer) on the wall at the cowboy christmas ball.

about Music Mondays
Each Monday I'd like to share with you a song that I enjoy.
It's a way for me to share what music I'm listening to and, if you have a song or artist you're interested in you can share with me, too!
You can join in with me if you'd like, it's quite fun :)

There are two ways to join me:

1.  Add a Music post to your blog and link up! If you have a blog, you can post all your intimate thoughts and details about your favorite music/musicians and leave your link here. Link back using the Music Monday button (on the right side of the blog)
2. or, just leave a comment here letting me know what music you've been listening to lately, I'd love to hear what's in your ears and get a conversation started about it.  Maybe the music you're listening to might be one of the next Music Monday features
I would like to highlight all Christmas/Holiday songs in the month of December, so let me know your favorites!

xo- Danielle
Music Mondays with Sugar Blossom Boutique

Add Your Music Monday Post HERE:

One entry so far...

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Dec 1, 2011

and, yes, this happened...

yes, i'm still in the running for mother-of-the-year.
and, yes, i'm being sarcastic.
the girls just love themselves a good turkey leg!  They swooped down on that leg like carnivorous vultures.  see how their eyes closed during the mauling?? that's real food passion!  I love in the background of the first photo my niece is looking at them like they're crRAaAZzzy! haha!
I love my girly girls so much! they each have a personality all their own, but they share one common trait: they love to make people laugh!  Hope your Thursday is filled with fun and laughter!

Nov 29, 2011

yes, this happened...

I know i don't get the mother-of-the-year award....but, hey, atleast it wasn't caffeinated ;)
she gets her inspiration from buddy the elf
ps: I have a giveaway going on over at Mommyhead Adventures! go check it out!!  If you already follow my blog, you already qualify for an entry! xo

Nov 28, 2011

Music Monday- Faster

my husband is an artist.....NOT a poet!
sometimes he has the similar poetic nature of Dwight Schrute

but, it's allright if our significant others are sometimes lacking in the poetry department, right?
Sometimes I hear a song that's so utterly gushy and romantic I can't help but imagine "this is what Jeremy would tell me if he were of a poetic nature" and this is such a song:

You're so delicious
You're so soft, sweet on the tip of my tongue
You taste like sunlight and strawberry bubble gum
You bite my lip. You spike my blood
You make my heart beat faster

yeah, i'm pretty sure "you spike my blood" is a bit more poetic than the way Dwight Schrute refers to blood, right?! haha!
Music Mondays with Sugar Blossom Boutique

about Music Mondays
Each Monday I'd like to share with you a song that I enjoy.
It's a way for me to share what music I'm listening to and, if you have a song or artist you're interested in you can share with me, too!
You can join in with me if you'd like, it's quite fun :)

There are two ways to join me:

1.  Add a Music post to your blog and link back using the Music Monday button (on the right side of the blog)
2. or, just leave a comment here letting me know what music you've been listening to lately, I'd love to hear what's in your ears and get a conversation started about it.  Maybe the music you're listening to might be one of the next Music Monday features
I would like to highlight all Christmas/Holiday songs in the month of December, so let me know your favorites!

Add Your Music Monday Link Here:

One entry so far...

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Nov 24, 2011


Hope your Thanksgiving was awesome!
I've just listed a bunch of new beautiful, sparkly, fun headbands in the shop and you can get them for 20% off if you use the code BLACKFRIDAY
also, i am offering free shipping on all my new headbands!
I'm really excited about these new accessories because they are very feminine, and pretty- perfect for this winter!
they are made for adults and children, they'd be so cute with a little ones christmas dress!
 this pink, sparkly headband is probably my favorite headband i've ever made. i just love the combo of light pink, cream and silver. i think it's really beautiful.
 this ones cute too, i can just imagine how cute it'd be on a newborn baby girl. oh, it'd look cute on adults too, of course.
these new headbands are each accented with either sparkles or pretty pearls

this cute one has three ruffles for three times the fun ;)
I'm also a part of the HUGE black friday giveaway over at Through the Eyes of the Mrs.  if you're a follower of my blog, you've already done one thing to enter this giveaway!!  It is definitely worth your time to click on over and check this out! It's HUGE! and you could win a $30 credit to my etsy shop (free stuff, who doesn't love that??) 
xo- Danielle

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