Sep 30, 2011

the adventures of borgie and muddbutt

jeremy and i traveled 3 hours by car and countless hours on foot to reach palisades, idaho a place jeremy had told me about for the last 10 years.
for those of you not interested in an agonizing 6 hour hike with large backpack on i guess i'll share ;)
yes! freeze-dried dinner...not too shabby!

DAY 1: we slept in the back of our car and had fun taking goofy photos using super-long exposure :) check out these fun photos
wrote my name with a flaming stick!
aren't those cool? i didn't do anything to them, that's just how they turned out...

we were having fun photographing until i heard a noise..we turned our flashlights around to see two shiny eyes staring at us.  we don't know what animal it was...i asked jeremy what if he thought it was something dangerous he said  no, it was probably a skunk or porcupine.  uh, hello, getting sprayed by a skunk or pricked by a porcupine doesn't sound like fun, but...we just went in the car and stayed away from those shiny eyes!

DAY 2: the hiking began...uh, if your shoe feels "a little uncomfortable" at the half-mile mark, you're going to want to shoot your foot off by the 15 mile mark to relieve the pain. (i know this from experience)
me, and my foot pain...just wrap it in tape.  that's what climbing tape is for, right? oh, it's not.
here is one of 2 lakes we saw during our trip, it was so pretty and had moose in it

when we finally made it to camp (about 4 hours) we set up the tent, had "lunch" and i took a nap while jeremy went fishing

lunch: beef jerky, pistachios, and crystal light, mmm :)
so, i have never fly-fished in my life until now, which is crazy because jeremy was teaching me how to fish when we were 1st married....but i never got around to actually doing it.
it was actually a lot of fun
 however, asking me to walk up a river in waders is like asking a very clumsy person to walk on a moss-covered tight rope with clown shoes on....
falling on gross mossy rocks right on my butt....hence, the new nickname "muddbutt"
 had an awful nights sleep in the tent...nightmare woke us all up with me yelling "get out of here" at the top of my lungs at 1:30 am...ok, i'm not gonna get into that :)
DAY 3: hiked to the upper lake which had crystal clear turquoise blue water.  very beautiful!
upper lake, palisades idaho. seriously beautiful.  the lake, not me, haha

on the way back down to the car we had to pass by the lower lake, the lake w/ all the moose in it.  we were walking down the trail talking loudly as to scare all the moose away...well, apparently we weren't loud enough as i got within 6 feet of a bull and a cow moose hiding in the willows!! i startled them and they ran off into the lake.  these moose are like 9 feet tall, y'all! it was FREAKY! we continued down the path, jeremy in the lead this time....and he ended up about 10 feet away from a mama moose and her calf...i was freaking out...(whispering freaking out, but freaking out nonetheless!) luckily the mom moose didn't charge us and walked away. gah! talk about adrenaline rush!
death by moose trampling? no thanks

These are some of the little things that made all the difference

1. eating a fruit roll up after 5 miles...seriously a fruit roll up NEVER tasted so good!

2. hubby offered to carry my backpack the last 100 yards or so
A true gentleman.    #swoon
3.  jeremy filtered water for us every day from the stream w/o complaint
he's so good to me :)

4.  i didn't get trampled by a moose and die

5.  fallen leaves along foot paths are one of my favorite little things

4.  we went and got juicy delicious extra large hamburgers french fries and milkshakes at Rulon Gardner's Burger Barn when it was over....right before our bodies shut down, haha

good bye palisades, you rock...but i don't plan on coming back for a while

xo- Danielle

Aisle to Aloha

Sep 29, 2011

what i wore camping

i love participating in "what i wore wednesday" because like Lindsay from The Pleated Poppy says "this is a place i created to keep myself accountable to getting out of my yoga pants and tshirts and to put a little effort into myself." 

and getting out of my yoga pants {or sweat-shorts (don't ask)} is something that everyone that sees me (especially jeremy) can appreciate ;)

jeremy and i went backpacking this past week.  it was strenuous, agonizing and fun :D
I am sharing these what i wore camping photos because sometimes life isn't about getting dressed up, or looking your best.  sometimes life is about making memories.  afterall, when it's all said and done....when life is over- what will we have? no, we won't care about the stylish outfits we wore or if i posted a what i wore wednesday on a thursday (oops)'s the memories we have with the people that we love.  That's what we'll take with us, what will matter most.
mmm hmm, thermals under the just made sense at the time.
hat- old navy
jackey- eddie bauer
shorts- gap
thermals- north face

hat- target
capilene- patagonia
pants- american eagle
shoes- kill me now if i ever have to wear those again

I have all the details of our backpacking adventure coming soon, now, go make some memories with the people you love!


Sep 28, 2011

oh, teton park, how i love thee...

so, have you ever been to Grand Teton National Park??
if not, i will take you on a visual journey
if so, i will take you on a visual journey ;)
Mt. Moran

every year my husband's family stays at a condo just out side of jackson hole, wy.
we try to spend as much time in teton park as possible!
and, you see...from a photo like that one up there my husband will make a beautiful painting like this one here #amazing!

it's so beautiful up there right by them there mountains

canoeing and swimming in string lake

 picnicking on the beach

hiking to the bottom of the grand canyon of yellowstone

 and a jaunt to see the hot pots in yellowstone too

oh, and you can't forget about the wildlife!

hiking to water falls

more hiking
oh my gosh, don't we look like we're having fun? love it!

and a lot of this
driving around with binoculars looking for "aminals"

{and there may or may not have been a little bit of skinny-dipping ha!}

it's so amazing to have a place where we can spend time with family surrounded by such beauty, you really feel like you're in the heart of one of God's most beautiful creations.
love that place!
until next time, tetons


Sep 24, 2011

Music Mondays- polite dance song

i like this song...the video is total whacked out craziness...but the song is gold.
it is by the bird and the bee...
just listen to the words and enjoy
it's just, oh, so polite ;)
"give it up for me, please" :D
(i actually prefer the song w/o the vid so i can enjoy the lyrics more ;)

Sep 23, 2011

instafriday tres chic children

here: an example of the boundless creativity and endless fashion faux pas that exist at our house
the 5 year old got the three year old dressed
and i think that's stellar
and here: sofia with one of her favorite things
"thems in wuv" {her lions are in love}
can you feel the love tonight?
 sweden, oh sweden...she lost her front tooth
i thought for sure the tooth fairy would leave $1
surprise she left $5
 and my little helper Ingrid <3
stylish as always in her 3D glasses

 and i don't know what we'd do w/o this little guy
oh yeah..."hims a girl" as sofie would say ;)

linking up for instafriday with life rearranged :)
what have you been up to this week??

xo- Danielle
life rearranged

Sep 20, 2011

diy upcycled pillows

so i bought a quilt online from anthropologie
it's kinda a big deal to me, because i never spend that much money
and when it came to my house
i wasn't in love with it
i was in like with it
all the colors were different than i thought they would be
the colors were so different it was hard to find fabric to coordinate to make matching pillows
i actually had to get paint chip samples and carry them around in my purse so that i could match colors while i was at various stores
{carrying these around was actually my husband's brilliant idea}
i found this skirt at old navy on clearance for $10
the color was perfect, and i loved the ruffles... so i made it into a pillow using my $2.50 pillow form trick

the finished pillow:
and while looking at my color samples it reminded me of a sweater i don't ever wear anymore
i bought this sweater on clearance for $10 back in 2003, it gets a lot more use now as a pillow
the pretty pillow with the bow:

with the sweater all stuffed with a pillow my husband said it reminds him of what i looked like when i tried to wear it when i was pregnant....uh, yeah, maybe that's why i never wear this sweater anymore!

so here's the complete look w/all 3 new pillows i made
and now i love it!
and i LOVE  the painting my husband painted that he hung above our headboard
he painted it when he was 17 years old! yeah, he's amazing like that :)

and, i just have to show you the other amazing painting that my husband painted-

how can you not love this teddy roosevelt painting?! 
i'm trying to talk my husband into painting more of the presidents in this style, wouldn't that be amazing?
let me know what you think :) i'd love to hear from you!
xo- Danielle
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